This week is Challenge Poverty Week, and across the world, we are all being urged to think of innovative ways in which we can help lift people and families out of poverty and reduce the risk of falling into poverty.
Challenge Poverty Week 2020 has three key messages:
Too many people in Scotland are living with the constant pressure of living in poverty.
As we plan our economic recovery, we must redesign our economy to reflect the values of justice and compassion we all share.
By boosting people's incomes and reducing the cost of living, we can make sure we all have what we need.
At Greenshoots Financial, we know only too well that it's often life events such as Divorce, Bereavement and the loss of income which can lead to poverty. To support Challenge Poverty Week, our Broker, Ian Angus-Felton, will be committing his time for free all week to help those who are feeling financial pressure just now.
Whether you have lost your job, have mounting debt, can't earn due to ill health or want to chat through the financial pressures you are currently dealing with, give Ian a call, and he will do all he can to listen, support and discuss any potential solutions. Reach out by telephoning 01506 537111 or emailing
For more information on this fantastic initiative visit: